Syria, Aleppo and Idleb
12 Months
PAC is active health NGO in the Syrian context since 2012, and has long experience in the field through over than 700 staff, and 39 field facilities
Mental health is one of the key priorities identified by the Health cluster,the need to urgently provide emergency health care services is recommended. With conflict conditions continue to aggravate humanitarian needs, people’s physical and mental well-being are severely affected. Given the significantly reduced functionality of health services, emergency and post-operative rehabilitative care remain inadequate in an already fragile and overburdened health system.
Qualitative Services
Specialized Mental Health Services
Support the free access to health care services with a special focus on specialized mental health care services and MHPSS through multi-level intervention by facility-based OPD and IPD facilities, outreach mobile services, and primary health care services in affected communities.
Enhance the access and quality of mental health care services in NW Syria by one specialized health care service in Aleppo covering a population of 563,185. main target location of these MCs are A’zaz districts and camps.
This Project provides the following services focused on improving the life-condition and health environment of chronic and severe patients.
PAC Mental Hospital will ensure safe and non-stigmatized access to;
1. The Outpatient Department provides Mental health, PSS, and protection services.
2. Inpatient Department, for acute and chronic (stable and un-stable) patients
3. Substance Use Disorders Rehabilitation unit
4. Protection: Detection and referral of protection cases, Suicide prevention Hotline
5. Two Mental health mobile clinics working to cover host communities and displaced populations in camps.
The project’s facilities play key roles in the health sector, to improve the health care of the crisis-affected population, It was established to cover the needs in coordination with local authorities and humanitarian sectors’ leads.
PAC has developed a comprehensive risk matrix that shows the expected risks and mitigation measures. This matrix focuses on Risks Affecting realization of Project Objectives & Risks affecting the realization of Project Outcomes/Outputs & Risks affecting the Safety and Security of Personnel.
PAC will use the good access and the ongoing positive relationship with local councils in the nearby areas, and camps managements to facilitate services provision or maintain the safety of project staff and beneficiaries.
PAC has well-trained safety and security officers to ensure well-programmatic and non-programmatic risk management in PAC’s activities.
This officer uses PAC general Safety and security matrix and the tailored designed one for each project, as well as, the emergency plan SOP, Safety and security SOP, and training provided to the team in addition to weekly and daily updates to mitigate any risk that can affect PAC’s project.
For this project, the project’s current staff are well trained on reporting for any incident, and a clear evacuation plan, and staff and patient safety are in place.
All the project facilities are identified according to IHL as humanitarian facilities and located in safe areas.
The facility is 24/7 guarded with contracted guards, and signs for safe service are in place. Coordination with local authority and board management is done through the field team and area manager.
PAC is working closely with The ERL cluster and the mental health rehabilitation centre to build a strong referral system, This approach guarantees that SUD patients who require specialist medical care are recognized and sent to the rehabilitation unit from a variety of healthcare facilities, protective facilities, and mental health outpatient departments (OPDs).
The cluster partners also help to simplify the referral process and ensure that patients receive adequate care at the specialist unit, On another side, PAC will provide complementary health care services through dental care for patients. The dental health services are needed based on MHTWG recommendations and instructions to provide dental services for chronic 120 patients who have been accommodated in the hospital for several years.
- Provide qualitative services and admission environment for over 120 chronic, and 40 severe and substance use disorders patients.
- Secure the needed drugs, cleaning materials, and fuel that are needed to process the services.
- Provision of therapeutic intervention by the MH GAP doctors to the mild and moderate cases of beneficiaries as they are addressed in the MH GAP in the OPD.
- Provision of evidence-based individual consultation sessions based on PM+ by the PSWs for beneficiaries in OPD.
- Provide case management, referral, MHPSS, and supportive activities through the mobile clinics.
- Provision of specialized MH services within the inpatient acute MH unit.
- Ensure well referral toward dental health care service contracted care, or other specialized health care facilities for further follow-up
PAC adhere to including SPHERE, IASC, GBV, and Child Protection standards in this project.
The Global Protection Cluster guidance: prioritize safety and dignity and avoid causing harm; meaningful access; accountability to beneficiaries; and, participation and empowerment are the key elements of PAC safe programming and a key part of the project activities.
PAC’s specialized protection mainstreaming officer is working closely with the project manager to ensure good protection mainstreaming activities in all projects.
Being demand-driven and beneficiary-cantered
Based on the experience that PAC has in the field of the health sector as well as the lessons learned from similar past experiences, Also, working with the most vulnerable groups and key actors in the target area based on the community feedback, population priorities, and their vision for the future given the circumstances to guide and enhance the quality of services.
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PAC is active health NGO in the Syrian context since 2012, and has long experience in the field through over than 700 staff, and 39 field facilities